Old Cookery Books And Ancient Cuisine By William Carew Hazlitt

Edited by Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A. OLD COOKERY BOOKS AND ANCIENT CUISINE BY W. CAREW HAZLITT London 1902 THE BOOK-LOVERS LIBRARY was first published in the following styles: No. 1.–Printed on antique paper, in cloth bevelled with rough edges, price 4s. 6d. No. 2.–Printed on hand-made paper, in Roxburgh, half morocco, with gilt top: 250 only are printed, for sale in England, price 7s. 6d. No. 3.–Large paper edition, on hand-made paper; of which 50 copies only are printed, and bound in Roxburgh, for sale in England, price L1 1s....

December 14, 2022 · 91 min · 19381 words · Rogelio Diehl

Olivia In India By O Douglas

OLIVIA IN INDIA O. DOUGLAS “When one discovers a happy look it is one’s duty to tell one’s friends about it.” JAMES DOUGLAS in The Star. OLIVIA IN INDIA. By O. DOUGLAS “Happy books are not very plentiful, and when one discovers a happy book it is one’s duty to tell one’s friends about it, so that it makes them happy too. My happy book is called ‘Olivia.’ It is by a certain young woman who calls herself O....

December 14, 2022 · 92 min · 19551 words · Johnathan Goggin

On The Decay Of The Art Of Lying By Mark Twain

by Mark Twain [Sameul Clemens] ESSAY, FOR DISCUSSION, READ AT A MEETING OF THE HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN CLUB OF HARTFORD, AND OFFERED FOR THE THIRTY-DOLLAR PRIZE.[] [] Did not take the prize. Observe, I do not mean to suggest that the custom of lying has suffered any decay or interruption–no, for the Lie, as a Virtue, A Principle, is eternal; the Lie, as a recreation, a solace, a refuge in time of need, the fourth Grace, the tenth Muse, man’s best and surest friend, is immortal, and cannot perish from the earth while this club remains....

December 14, 2022 · 11 min · 2207 words · Ronald Sparks

On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience By Henry David Thoreau

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau [1849, original title: Resistance to Civil Goverment] I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe–“That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have....

December 14, 2022 · 44 min · 9330 words · Robert Odonell

Representative Plays By American Dramatists 1856 1911 Paul Kauvar Or Anarchy By Steele Mackaye

PAUL KAUVAR; OR, ANARCHY [Illustration: STEELE MACKAYE] STEELE MACKAYE (1844-1894) When one realizes the sociological purpose behind Steele Mackaye’s “Paul Kauvar; or, Anarchy,” it is interesting to note how inefficient the old form of drama was to carry anything more than the formal romantic fervour. Compared with John Galsworthy’s treatment in “Strife” and “Justice,” it makes one glad that realism came and washed away all the obscuring claptrap of that period....

December 14, 2022 · 36 min · 7565 words · Carol Nichols

Rob Roy Complete Illustrated By Sir Walter Scott

ROB ROY COMPLETE BY SIR WALTER SCOTT [Illustration: Frontispiece] [Illustration: Titlepage] For why? Because the good old rule Sufficeth them; the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can. Rob Roy’s Grave–Wordsworth ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION When the Editor of the following volumes published, about two years since, the work called the “Antiquary,” he announced that he was, for the last time, intruding upon the public in his present capacity....

December 14, 2022 · 96 min · 20289 words · Amy Patterson

Robert Elsmere By Mrs Humphry Ward

[Italics are indicated by underscores.] [Transcriber’s note: In one section, marked by **, two Greek letters, delta and epsilon, are transcribed as de. The allusion is to a poem by Browning — ‘A Grammarian’s Funeral’] ——————————————————————— Robert Elsmere by Mrs. Humphrey Ward Author of “Miss Bretherton” BOSTON: DeWOLFE, FISKE & CO., 365 Washington Street Dedicated to the memory Of MY TWO FRIENDS SEPARATED, IN MY THOUGHT OF THEM, BY MUCH DIVERSITY OF CIRCUMSTANCE AND OPINION; LINKED, IN MY FAITH ABOUT THEM, TO EACH OTHER, AND TO ALL THE SNINING ONES OF THE PAST, BY THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE SERVICE OF MAN: THOMAS HILL GREEN (LAYE PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD) Died March 26, 1882 AND LAURA OCTAVIA MARY LYTTELTON Died Easter Eve, 1886——————————————————————— BOOK I....

December 14, 2022 · 87 min · 18327 words · George Gionet

Rolf In The Woods By Ernest Thompson Seton

Preface In this story I have endeavoured to realize some of the influences that surrounded the youth of America a hundred years ago, and made of them, first, good citizens, and, later, in the day of peril, heroes that won the battles of Lake Erie, Plattsburg, and New Orleans, and the great sea fights of Porter, Bainbridge, Decatur, Lawrence, Perry, and MacDonough. I have especially dwelt in detail on the woodland and peace scouting in the hope that I may thus help other boys to follow the hard-climbing trail that leads to the higher uplands....

December 14, 2022 · 83 min · 17601 words · Michael Warnock

Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare Collins Edition

by William Shakespeare PERSONS REPRESENTED Escalus, Prince of Verona. Paris, a young Nobleman, kinsman to the Prince. Montague,}Heads of two Houses at variance with each other. Capulet, } An Old Man, Uncle to Capulet. Romeo, Son to Montague. Mercutio, Kinsman to the Prince, and Friend to Romeo. Benvolio, Nephew to Montague, and Friend to Romeo. Tybalt, Nephew to Lady Capulet. Friar Lawrence, a Franciscan. Friar John, of the same Order....

December 14, 2022 · 45 min · 9441 words · George Cortez

Round The World By Andrew Carnegie

ROUND THE WORLD BY ANDREW CARNEGIE PREFACE It seems almost unnecessary to say that “Round the World,” like “An American Four-in-Hand in Britain,” was originally printed for private circulation. My publishers having asked permission to give it to the public, I have been induced to undertake the slight revision, and to make some additions necessary to fit the original for general circulation, not so much by the favorable reception accorded to the “Four-in-Hand” in England as well as in America, nor even by the flattering words of the critics who have dealt so kindly with it, but chiefly because of many valued letters which entire strangers have been so extremely good as to take the trouble to write to me, and which indeed are still coming almost daily....

December 14, 2022 · 93 min · 19602 words · Laura Maki

Select Epigrams From The Greek Anthology By J W Mackail

This is the 8 bit version. SELECT EPIGRAMS FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY By J. W. Mackail First Published 1890 by Longmans, Green, and Co. Etext prepared by John Bickers, jbickers@ihug.co.nz and Dagny, dagnyj@hotmail.com SELECT EPIGRAMS FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY EDITED WITH A REVISED TEXT, TRANSLATION, AND NOTES BY J. W. MACKAIL Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. PREPARER’S NOTE This book was published in 1890 by Longmans, Green, and Co., London; and New York: 15 East 16th Street....

December 14, 2022 · 85 min · 17935 words · Alfred Sholders

Shakespeare Volume 1 By H N Hudson

SHAKESPEARE: HIS LIFE, ART, AND CHARACTERS. WITH AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE DRAMA IN ENGLAND. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED. BY THE REV. H.N. HUDSON, LL.D. VOLUME I. GINN AND COMPANY Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by HENRY N. HUDSON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. TO MR. JOSEPH BURNETT,OF SOUTHBOROUGH, MASS. Sir: The Memories of a Friendship running, I believe, without interruption through a period of more than five-and-twenty years, prompt the inscribing of these volumes to you....

December 14, 2022 · 96 min · 20286 words · Daniel Ali

Sketches Of Japanese Manners And Customs By J M W Silver

by J. M. W. SILVERLieutenant Royal Marines, Light Infantry (Late of the Royal Marine Battalion for Service in Japan) Illustrated by Native Drawings,Reproduced in Fac-Simile by Means of Chromo-Lithography. LONDON 1867 [Illustration: Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs] TO COLONEL SIR EDMUND SAUNDERSON PRIDEAUX, BART. DEAR SIR EDMUND, These few ‘Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs’ were collected during the years 1864-5, at which time I was attached to the Battalion of Royal Marines for service in Japan, and it is now very pleasing to have the privilege of dedicating them to one who was the friend and companion-in-arms of my late Father....

December 14, 2022 · 69 min · 14537 words · Mary Landstrom

Slave Narratives A Folk History Of Slavery In The United States Volume 2 Part 1

[TR: ***] = Transcriber Note [HW: ***] = Handwritten Note [Illustration: Old Slave] SLAVE NARRATIVES A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves TYPEWRITTEN RECORDS PREPARED BY THE FEDERAL WRITERS’ PROJECT, 1936-1938 ASSEMBLED BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PROJECT WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SPONSORED BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Illustrated with Photographs WASHINGTON 1941 VOLUME II ARKANSAS NARRATIVES PART I Prepared by the Federal Writers’ Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Arkansas INFORMANTS Abbott, Silas Abernathy, Lucian Abromsom, Laura Adeline, Aunt Adway, Rose Aiken, Liddie Aldridge, Mattie Alexander, Amsy O....

December 14, 2022 · 83 min · 17561 words · Clara Gallagher

Statesman By Plato

STATESMAN by Plato Translated by Benjamin Jowett INTRODUCTION AND ANALYSIS. In the Phaedrus, the Republic, the Philebus, the Parmenides, and the Sophist, we may observe the tendency of Plato to combine two or more subjects or different aspects of the same subject in a single dialogue. In the Sophist and Statesman especially we note that the discussion is partly regarded as an illustration of method, and that analogies are brought from afar which throw light on the main subject....

December 14, 2022 · 96 min · 20274 words · Richard Blossom

Stonewall Jackson And The American Civil War By G F R Henderson


December 14, 2022 · 90 min · 19163 words · Sara Custer

Table Talk Essays On Men And Manners By William Hazlitt

by WILLIAM HAZLITT CONTENTS VOLUME I On the Pleasure of Painting2. The Same Subject Continued3. On the Past and Future4. On Genius and Common Sense5. The Same Subject Continued6. Character of Cobbett7. On People With One Idea8. On the Ignorance of the Learned9. The Indian Jugglers10. On Living To One’s-Self11. On Thought and Action12. On Will-Making13. On Certain Inconsistencies In Sir Joshua Reynolds’s Discourses 14. The Same Subject Continued15. On Paradox and Common-Place16....

December 14, 2022 · 103 min · 21936 words · Benjamin Hatton

The Abbot S Ghost Or Maurice Treherne S Temptation By A M Barnard

The Abbot’s Ghost or, Maurice Treherne’s Temptation A Christmas Story By A.M. Barnard 1867 Chapter I DRAMATIS PERSONAE “How goes it, Frank? Down first, as usual.” “The early bird gets the worm, Major.” “Deuced ungallant speech, considering that the lovely Octavia is the worm,” and with a significant laugh the major assumed an Englishman’s favorite attitude before the fire. His companion shot a quick glance at him, and an expression of anxiety passed over his face as he replied, with a well-feigned air of indifference, “You are altogether too sharp, Major....

December 14, 2022 · 122 min · 25978 words · Paul Perez

The Abominations Of Modern Society By Rev T De Witt Talmage

THE ABOMINATIONS OF MODERN SOCIETY. BY REV. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, AUTHOR OF “CRUMBS SWEPT UP” 1872. PREFACE. This is a buoy swung over the rocks. If it shall keep ship, bark, fore-and-aft schooner, or hermaphrodite brig from driving on a lee shore, “all’s well.” The book is not more for young men than old. The Calabria was wrecked “the last day out.” Nor is the book more for men than women....

December 14, 2022 · 89 min · 18931 words · Larry Hunt

The Adventures Of Captain Bonneville By Washington Irving

Originally published in 1837 Introductory Notice WHILE ENGAGED in writing an account of the grand enterprise of Astoria, it was my practice to seek all kinds of oral information connected with the subject. Nowhere did I pick up more interesting particulars than at the table of Mr. John Jacob Astor; who, being the patriarch of the fur trade in the United States, was accustomed to have at his board various persons of adventurous turn, some of whom had been engaged in his own great undertaking; others, on their own account, had made expeditions to the Rocky Mountains and the waters of the Columbia....

December 14, 2022 · 88 min · 18537 words · Charmaine Taylor