The Little Shepherd Of Kingdom Come By John Fox Jr


December 12, 2022 · 99 min · 20935 words · Kirk Briscoe

The Lives Of The Poets Of Great Britain And Ireland By Theophilus Cibber

THE LIVES OF THE POETS OF GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. By Mr. CIBBER, and other Hands. VOL. IV. MDCCLIII. VOLUME IV. Contains the LIVES OF Motteux Manley Mrs. Needler Hughes Prior Centlivre Mrs. Brady Stepney Pack Dawes Arch. York Congreve Vanbrugh Steele Marvel Thomas Mrs. Fenton Booth Sewel Hammond Eusden Eachard Oldmixon Welsted Smyth More Dennis Granville L. Lansdowne Gay Philip D. Wharton Codrington Ward L’Estrange Smith Edmund De Foe Rowe Mrs....

December 12, 2022 · 76 min · 16047 words · Rolando Michell

The Long Ago By Jacob William Wright

The Long Ago by Jacob William Wright 1 The Garden 2 The River 3 Christmas 4 Butter, Eggs, Ducks, Geese 5 The Sugar Barrels 6 Jimmy, the Lamplighter 7 Flies 8 The Autumn Leaves 9 Getting in the Wood10 The Rain11 Grandmother12 When Day is Done Then said he unto me,Go thy way,Weigh me the weight of the fire,Or measure me the blast of the wind, Or call me again the day that is past....

December 12, 2022 · 50 min · 10506 words · David Fisher

The Marriage Contract By Honore De Balzac

THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT by HONORE DE BALZAC Translated ByKatharine Prescott Wormeley DEDICATION To Rossini. THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT CHAPTER I PRO AND CON Monsieur de Manerville, the father, was a worthy Norman gentleman, well known to the Marechael de Richelieu, who married him to one of the richest heiresses of Bordeaux in the days when the old duke reigned in Guienne as governor. The Norman then sold the estate he owned in Bessin, and became a Gascon, allured by the beauty of the chateau de Lanstrac, a delightful residence owned by his wife....

December 12, 2022 · 88 min · 18676 words · Margaret Brown

The Memoirs Of General W T Sherman Vol Ii Part 4 By William T Sherman

MEMOIRS OF GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN By William T. Sherman VOLUME II Part 4 CHAPTER XXI. THE MARCH TO THE SEA FROM ATLANTA TO SAVANNAH. NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 1864. On the 12th of November the railroad and telegraph communications with the rear were broken, and the army stood detached from all friends, dependent on its own resources and supplies. No time was to be lost; all the detachments were ordered to march rapidly for Atlanta, breaking up the railroad en route, and generally to so damage the country as to make it untenable to the enemy....

December 12, 2022 · 89 min · 18918 words · Keith Mai

The Mirror Of Literature Amusement And Instruction Vol 13 No 368 By Various

VOL. 13, No. 368.] SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1829. [PRICE 2d. CLARENDON HOUSE, PICCADILLY. [Illustration: CLARENDON HOUSE, PICCADILLY.] The virtuous and uncompromising chancellor, the Earl of Clarendon, had a splendid mansion facing the upper end of St. James’s-street, on the site of the present Grafton-street. Of this princely pile, the above is an accurate engraving. It was built by Clarendon with the stone intended for the rebuilding of St. Paul’s. “He purchased the materials,” says Pennant, “but a nation soured with an unsuccessful war, with fire, and with pestilence, imputed everything as a crime to this great and envied character; his enemies called it Dunkirk House, calumniating him with having built it with the money arising from the sale of that town, which had just before been given up to the French, for a large sum, by his Master....

December 12, 2022 · 60 min · 12743 words · Ronald Kozak

The Mirror Of Literature Amusement And Instruction Vol 20 No 582 By Various

VOL. 20, NO. 582.] SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1832. [PRICE 2d. [Illustration: THE YORK COLUMN, (from St. James’s Park.)] THE YORK COLUMN. Five years have now elapsed since the improvements in St. James’s Park were commenced, by order of Government, for the gratification of the people. We were early in our congratulation, as well as illustration, of the prospective advantages of these plans for the public enjoyment, as will be seen on reference to our tenth volume; and, with respect to the re-disposal of St....

December 12, 2022 · 64 min · 13513 words · Lisa Freeman

The Mutineers By Charles Boardman Hawes

THE MUTINEERS A tale of old days at sea and of adventures in the Far East as Benjamin Lathrop set it down some sixty years ago by Charles Boardman Hawes Illustrated To D.C.H. TO PAY MY SHOT To master, mate, and men of the ship Hunter, whose voyage is the backbone of my story; to Captain David Woodard, English mariner, who more than a hundred and twenty years ago was wrecked on the island of Celebes; to Captain R....

December 12, 2022 · 77 min · 16387 words · Tiffany Shackelford

History Of The Conquest Of Peru By William Hickling Prescott

History Of The Conquest Of Peru by William Hickling Prescott “Congestae cumulantur opes, orbisque rapinas Accipit.” Claudian, In Ruf., lib. i., v. 194. “So color de religionVan a buscar plata y oroDel encubierto tesoro.”Lope De Vega, El Nuevo Mundo, Jorn. 1. Preface The most brilliant passages in the history of Spanish adventure in the New World are undoubtedly afforded by the conquests of Mexico and Peru–the two states which combined with the largest extent of empire a refined social polity, and considerable progress in the arts of civilization....

December 11, 2022 · 101 min · 21317 words · Shawn Hebert

Honorine By Honore De Balzac

HONORINE by HONORE DE BALZAC Translated ByClara Bell DEDICATION To Monsieur Achille Deveria An affectionate remembrance from the Author. HONORINE If the French have as great an aversion for traveling as the English have a propensity for it, both English and French have perhaps sufficient reasons. Something better than England is everywhere to be found; whereas it is excessively difficult to find the charms of France outside France. Other countries can show admirable scenery, and they frequently offer greater comfort than that of France, which makes but slow progress in that particular....

December 11, 2022 · 96 min · 20327 words · Kenneth Lendon

Indian Tales By Rudyard Kipling

INDIAN TALES BY RUDYARD KIPLING CONTENTS “The Finest Story in the World” With the Main Guard Wee Willie Winkie The Rout of the White Hussars At Twenty-two The Courting of Dinah Shadd The Story of Muhammad Din In Flood Time My Own True Ghost Story The Big Drunk Draf’ By Word of Mouth The Drums of the Fore and Aft The Sending of Dana Da On the City Wall The Broken-link Handicap On Greenhow Hill To Be Filed for Reference The Man Who Would Be King The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney His Majesty the King The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes In the House of Suddhoo Black Jack The Taking of Lungtungpen The Phantom Rickshaw On the Strength of a Likeness Private Learoyd’s Story Wressley of the Foreign Office The Solid Muldoon The Three Musketeers Beyond the Pale The God from the Machine The Daughter of the Regiment The Madness of Private Ortheris L’Envoi “THE FINEST STORY IN THE WORLD” “Or ever the knightly years were gone With the old world to the grave, I was a king in Babylon And you were a Christian slave,” –W....

December 11, 2022 · 79 min · 16683 words · Johnnie Jersey

Letters To Dead Authors By Andrew Lang

LETTERS TO DEAD AUTHORS by Andrew Lang Contents. I. to W. M. ThackerayII. To Charles DickensIII. To Pierre De RonsardIV. To HerodotusV. Epistle to Mr. Alexander PopeVI. To Lucian of SamosataVII. To Maitre Francoys RabelaisVIII. To Jane AustenIX. To Master Isaak WaltonX. to M. ChapelainXI. To Sir John Manndeville, KtXII. To Alexandre DumasXIII. To TheocritusXIV. To Edgar Allan PoeXV. To Sir Walter Scott, Bart.XVI. To Eusebius of CaesareaXVII. To Percy Bysshe ShelleyXVIII....

December 11, 2022 · 93 min · 19694 words · Yolanda Jones

Little Lord Fauntleroy By Frances Hodgson Burnett

LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROYBY FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT I Cedric himself knew nothing whatever about it. It had never been even mentioned to him. He knew that his papa had been an Englishman, because his mamma had told him so; but then his papa had died when he was so little a boy that he could not remember very much about him, except that he was big, and had blue eyes and a long mustache, and that it was a splendid thing to be carried around the room on his shoulder....

December 11, 2022 · 81 min · 17218 words · Allen Stanley

Many Voices By E Nesbit

MANY VOICES Contents: The ReturnFor Dolly–Who does not Learn her Lessons QuestionsThe DaisiesThe TouchstoneThe December RoseThe FireSongA PartingThe Gift of LifeIncompatibilitiesThe Stolen God–Lazarus to DivesWinterSea-shellsHopeThe Prodigal’s ReturnThe SkylarkSaturday SongThe ChampionThe Garden RefusedThese Little OnesThe DespotThe Magic RingPhilosophyThe Whirligig of TimeMagicWindflowersAs it isBefore WinterThe Vault–after SedgmoorSurrenderValuesIn the People’s ParkWedding DayThe Last DefeatMay DayGretna GreenThe EternalThe Point of View: IThe Point of View: IIMary of MagdalaThe Home-comingAge to YouthIn AgeWhite MagicFrom the PortugueseThe NestThe Old MagicFaithThe Death of AgnesIn TroubleGratitudeAt the LastFearThe Day of JudgmentA FarewellIn HospitalPrayer in Time of WarAt PartingInvocationTo Her: In Time of WarThe Fields of FlandersSpring in War-timeThe Mother’s PrayerInasmuch as ye did it not POEM: THE RETURN The grass was gray with the moonlit dew, The stones were white as I came through; I came down the path by the thirteen yews, Through the blocks of shade that the moonlight hews....

December 11, 2022 · 52 min · 10996 words · Angela Atwell

Melbourne House Volume 1 By Susan Warner

MELBOURNE HOUSE. [Illustration: THE OLD IRISH TOMB.] Melbourne House, Vol. I. MELBOURNE HOUSE. BY THEAUTHOR OF THE “WIDE, WIDE WORLD.” “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”–PROV. XX. 11. VOL. I. NEW YORK:ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS,530 BROADWAY.1865. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by ROBERT CARTER AND BROTHERS, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York....

December 11, 2022 · 70 min · 14871 words · Betty Riddick

Memoirs Of Aaron Burr Complete By Matthew L Davis

[Frontispiece: A. Burr] MEMOIRS OF AARON BURR, COMPLETE WITH MISCELLANEOUS SELECTIONS FROM HIS CORRESPONDENCE. BY MATTHEW L. DAVIS. “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.” IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. * * * * * Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by MATTHEW L. DAVIS, in the Clerk’s Office of the Southern District of New-York. * * * * * PREFACE. During a period of forty years I was intimately acquainted with Colonel Burr, and have reason to suppose that I possessed his entire confidence....

December 11, 2022 · 83 min · 17536 words · Edwin Minor

Memoirs Of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol 2 By Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne

MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 2. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. PhippsColonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS:Chapter V. to Chapter XIV. 1798 CHAPTER V 1797. Signature of the preliminaries of peace–Fall of Venice–My arrival and reception at Leoben–Bonaparte wishes to pursue his success– The Directory opposes him–He wishes to advance on Vienna–Movement of the army of the Sombre-et-Mouse–Bonaparte’s dissatisfaction– Arrival at Milan–We take up our residence at Montebello–Napoleon’s judgment respecting Dandolo and Melzi....

December 11, 2022 · 88 min · 18734 words · Ryann Young

Miscellaneous Studies A Series Of Essays By Walter Horatio Pater

1869. NOTES ON LEONARDO DA VINCI. Appeared in Fortnightly Review in Novermber, 1869. Reprinted 1873 in Studies in the Renaissance. 1870. SANDRO BOTTICELLI. Appeared in Fortnightly Review in August, 1870, entitled “A Fragment on Sandro Botticelli.” Reprinted 1873 in Studies in the Renaissance. 1871. PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA. Appeared in Fortnightly Review in October, 1871. Reprinted 1873 in Studies in the Renaissance. POETRY OF MICHELANGELO. Appeared in Fortnightly Review in November, 1871....

December 11, 2022 · 89 min · 18953 words · Ryan Simons

Moonbeams From The Larger Lunacy By Stephen Leacock

The prudent husbandman, after having taken from his field all the straw that is there, rakes it over with a wooden rake and gets as much again. The wise child, after the lemonade jug is empty, takes the lemons from the bottom of it and squeezes them into a still larger brew. So does the sagacious author, after having sold his material to the magazines and been paid for it, clap it into book-covers and give it another squeeze....

December 11, 2022 · 61 min · 12812 words · David Murray

Mr Gladstone And Genesis This Is Essay 5 From Science And Hebrew Tradition By Thomas Henry Huxley

Mr. Gladstone and Genesisby Thomas Henry HuxleyThis is Essay #5 from “Science and Hebrew Tradition” In controversy, as in courtship, the good old rule to be off with the old before one is on with the new, greatly commends itself to my sense of expediency. And, therefore, it appears to me desirable that I should preface such observations as I may have to offer upon the cloud of arguments (the relevancy of which to the issue which I had ventured to raise is not always obvious) put forth by Mr....

December 11, 2022 · 45 min · 9465 words · Gregory Bodine