The Heritage Of The Sioux By B M Bower


December 2, 2022 · 98 min · 20771 words · Dayna Clark

The History Of Don Quixote Vol 1 Part 14 By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

DON QUIXOTE by Miguel de Cervantes Translated by John Ormsby Volume I. Part 14. CHAPTER XLI.IN WHICH THE CAPTIVE STILL CONTINUES HIS ADVENTURES Before fifteen days were over our renegade had already purchased an excellent vessel with room for more than thirty persons; and to make the transaction safe and lend a colour to it, he thought it well to make, as he did, a voyage to a place called Shershel, twenty leagues from Algiers on the Oran side, where there is an extensive trade in dried figs....

December 2, 2022 · 104 min · 21950 words · Mark Wohlenhaus

The History Of Don Quixote Vol 2 Part 30 By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

DON QUIXOTE Volume II. Part 30. by Miguel de Cervantes Translated by John Ormsby CHAPTER XXXVI. WHEREIN IS RELATED THE STRANGE AND UNDREAMT-OF ADVENTURE OF THE DISTRESSED DUENNA, ALIAS THE COUNTESS TRIFALDI, TOGETHER WITH A LETTER WHICH SANCHO PANZA WROTE TO HIS WIFE, TERESA PANZA The duke had a majordomo of a very facetious and sportive turn, and he it was that played the part of Merlin, made all the arrangements for the late adventure, composed the verses, and got a page to represent Dulcinea; and now, with the assistance of his master and mistress, he got up another of the drollest and strangest contrivances that can be imagined....

December 2, 2022 · 82 min · 17286 words · Gordon Griffin

The History Of Friedrich Ii Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V04 By Thomas Carlyle

Carlyle’s “History of Friedrich II of Prussia” BOOK IV. FRIEDRICH’S APPRENTICESHIP, FIRST STAGE. 1713-1728. CHAPTER I. CHILDHOOD: DOUBLE EDUCATIONAL ELEMENT. Of Friedrich’s childhood, there is not, after all our reading, much that it would interest the English public to hear tell of. Perhaps not much of knowable that deserves anywhere to be known. Books on it, expressly handling it, and Books on Friedrich Wilhelm’s Court and History, of which it is always a main element, are not wanting: but they are mainly of the sad sort which, with pain and difficulty, teach us nothing, Books done by pedants and tenebrific persons, under the name of men; dwelling not on things, but, at endless length, on the outer husks of things: of unparalleled confusion, too;–not so much as an Index granted you; to the poor half-peck of cinders, hidden in these wagon-loads of ashes, no sieve allowed!...

December 2, 2022 · 89 min · 18906 words · Christine Bruns

The Home Book Of Verse Volume 3 By Burton Egbert Stevenson

The Home Book of Verse, Volume 3 by Burton Egbert Stevenson Contents of Volume I of the two volume set are in our Volume 1 This includes contents of Volumes 1 through 4 of our Etext editions. PART III POEMS OF NATURE The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours;We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!...

December 2, 2022 · 44 min · 9168 words · Becky Irizarry

The Inferno By Henri Barbusse

THE INFERNO BY HENRI BARBUSSEAUTHOR OF “UNDER FIRE” TRANSLATED FROM THE 100TH FRENCH EDITION WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY EDWARD J. O’BRIEN1918 INTRODUCTION In introducing M. Barbusse’s most important book to a public already familiar with “Under Fire,” it seems well to point out the relation of the author’s philosophy to his own time, and the kinship of his art to that of certain other contemporary French and English novelists. “L’Enfer” has been more widely read and discussed in France than any other realistic study since the days of Zola....

December 2, 2022 · 74 min · 15722 words · James Beckman

The Lake Of The Sky By George Wharton James

[Illustration: Cascade Lake and Lake Tahoe] THE LAKE OF THE SKY LAKE TAHOE IN THE HIGH SIERRAS OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA Its History, Indians, Discovery by Fremont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Towns, Early Mining Excitements, Steamer Ride, Mineral Springs, Mountain and Lake Resorts, Trail and Camping Out Trips, Summer Residences, Fishing, Hunting, Flowers, Birds, Animals, Trees, and Chaparral, with a Full Account of the Tahoe National Forest, the Public Use of the Water of Lake Tahoe and Much Other Interesting Matter BY GEORGE WHARTON JAMES Author of “Arizona, the Wonderland,” “California, Romantic and Beautiful,” “New Mexico, the Land of the Delight Makers,” “Utah, the Land of Blossoming Valleys,” “Quit Your Worrying,” “Living the Radiant Life,” etc....

December 2, 2022 · 83 min · 17603 words · Darlene Eberle

The Life And Perambulations Of A Mouse By Dorothy Kilner

THE LIFE AND PERAMBULATIONS OF A MOUSE (1783-1784) by Dorothy Kilner INTRODUCTION During a remarkably severe winter, when a prodigious fall of snow confined everybody to their habitations, who were happy enough to have one to shelter them from the inclemency of the season, and were hot obliged by business to expose themselves to its rigour, I was on a visit to Meadow Hall; where had assembled likewise a large party of young folk, who all seemed, by their harmony and good humour, to strive who should the most contribute to render pleasant that confinement which we were all equally obliged to share....

December 2, 2022 · 142 min · 30137 words · Sylvester Juarez

The Lily Of The Valley By Honore De Balzac

THE LILY OF THE VALLEY by HONORE DE BALZAC Translated ByKatharine Prescott Wormeley DEDICATION To Monsieur J. B. Nacquart, Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine. Dear Doctor–Here is one of the most carefully hewn stones in the second course of the foundation of a literary edifice which I have slowly and laboriously constructed. I wish to inscribe your name upon it, as much to thank the man whose science once saved me as to honor the friend of my daily life....

December 2, 2022 · 97 min · 20584 words · Jordan Tennill

The Memoirs Of General Ulysses S Grant Part 1 By Ulysses S Grant

PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF U. S. GRANT, Part 1. by U. S. Grant PREFACE. “Man proposes and God disposes.” There are but few important events in the affairs of men brought about by their own choice. Although frequently urged by friends to write my memoirs I had determined never to do so, nor to write anything for publication. At the age of nearly sixty-two I received an injury from a fall, which confined me closely to the house while it did not apparently affect my general health....

December 2, 2022 · 100 min · 21117 words · James Tull

The Memoirs Of General Ulysses S Grant Part 5 By Ulysses S Grant

PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF U. S. GRANT, Part 5. by U. S. Grant CHAPTER LII. BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA–HANCOCK’S POSITION–ASSAULT OF WARREN’S AND WRIGHT’S CORPS–UPTON PROMOTED ON THE FIELD–GOOD NEWS FROM BUTLER AND SHERIDAN. The Mattapony River is formed by the junction of the Mat, the Ta, the Po and the Ny rivers, the last being the northernmost of the four. It takes its rise about a mile south and a little east of the Wilderness Tavern....

December 2, 2022 · 93 min · 19613 words · Leonard Gibbs

The Memoirs Of Marguerite De Valois V3 By Marguerite De Valois Queen Of Navarre

[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample the author’s ideas before making an entire meal of them. D.W.] MARGUERITE DE VALOIS QUEEN OF NAVARRE, v3 HISTORY OF THE HOUSE OF VALOIS.[Author unknown] CHARLES, COMTE DE VALOIS, was the younger brother of Philip the Fair, and therefore uncle of the three sovereigns lately dead. His eldest son Philip had been appointed guardian to the Queen of Charles IV....

December 2, 2022 · 100 min · 21235 words · Heather Higdon

The Merry Wives Of Windsor By William Shakespeare Craig Oxford Edition

by William Shakespeare DRAMATIS PERSONAE SIR JOHN FALSTAFFFENTON, a young gentlemanSHALLOW, a country justiceSLENDER, cousin to ShallowFORD, Gentleman dwelling at Windsor PAGE, Gentleman dwelling at WindsorWILLIAM PAGE, a boy, son to PageSIR HUGH EVANS, a Welsh parsonDOCTOR CAIUS, a French physicianHOST of the Garter InnBARDOLPH, PISTOL, NYM, Followers of Falstaff ROBIN, page to FalstaffSIMPLE, servant to SlenderRUGBY, servant to Doctor Caius MISTRESS FORDMISTRESS PAGEMISTRESS ANNE PAGE, her daughter, in love with Fenton MISTRESS QUICKLY, servant to Doctor Caius SERVANTS to Page, Ford, &c....

December 2, 2022 · 45 min · 9454 words · Timothy Watson

The Mirror Of Literature Amusement And Instruction Vol 12 No 323 By Various

VOL. 12, No. 323.] SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1828. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * [Illustration: COLUMBIA COLLEGE] “It is intended that a large academy be erected, capable of containing nine thousand seven hundred and forty-three persons: which, by modest computation, is reckoned to be pretty near the current number of wits in this island,” –Swift’s Tale of a Tub. London is at length destined to become a seat of learning; or rather, a seminary as well as a focus and mart of literature: Instruction, manners, mysteries, and trades....

December 2, 2022 · 62 min · 13088 words · Margery Wedekind

The Mirror Of Literature Amusement And Instruction Vol 17 No 472 By Various

THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XVII. No. 472.] SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * [Illustration: CHRIST CHURCH, DONCASTER.] CHRIST CHURCH, DONCASTER. (From the Gentleman’s Magazine.) The town of Doncaster has been long celebrated for its beauty and cleanliness, for its striking approach from the south, its magnificent Grand Stand, and celebrated Race Course, its public buildings, its venerable Gothic Church, and stately tower; and latterly, by the erection of a beautiful Gothic Church, with an elegant spire, giving an additional feature to the town from every approach....

December 2, 2022 · 59 min · 12488 words · Juliana Johnston

The Mirror Of Literature Amusement And Instruction Vol 20 No 572 By Various

Vol. 20 No. 572.] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1832. [PRICE 2d. BIRTHPLACE OF DR. JOHNSON, AT LICHFIELD. [Illustration] In the large corner house, on the right of the Engraving, SAMUEL JOHNSON was born on the 18th of September, N.S. 1709. We learn from Boswell, that the house was built by Johnson’s father, and that the two fronts, towards Market and Broad Market-street stood upon waste land of the Corporation of Lichfield, under a forty years lease; this expired in 1767, when on the 15th of August, “at a common hall of the bailiffs and citizens, it was ordered, (and that without any solicitation,) that a lease should be granted to Samuel Johnson, Doctor of Laws, of the incroachments at his house, for the term of ninety-nine years, at the old rent, which was five shillings....

December 2, 2022 · 66 min · 13914 words · Christopher Castillo

The Most Interesting Stories Of All Nations

The Lock and Key Library The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations Edited by Julian Hawthorne North Europe–Russian–Swedish–Danish–Hungarian Table of Contents ALEXANDER SERGEIEVITCH PUSHKIN The Queen of Spades VERA JELIHOVSKY The General’s Will FEODOR MIKHAILOVITCH DOSTOYEVSKY Crime and Punishment ANTON CHEKHOFF The Safety Match VSEVOLOD VLADIMIROVITCH KRESTOVSKI Knights of Industry JORGEN WILHELM BERGSOE The Amputated Arms OTTO LARSSEN The Manuscript BERNHARD SEVERIN INGEMANN The Sealed Room STEEN STEENSEN BLICHER The Rector of Veilbye HUNGARIAN MYSTERY STORIES FERENCZ MOLNAR The Living Death MAURUS JOKAI Thirteen at Table ETIENNE BARSONY The Dancing Bear ARTHUR ELCK The Tower Room Russian Mystery Stories Alexander Sergeievitch Pushkin The Queen of Spades I There was a card party at the rooms of Naroumoff, of the Horse Guards....

December 2, 2022 · 74 min · 15615 words · Martin Ottrix

The Mysteries Of Montreal By Charlotte Fuhrer

THE MYSTERIES OF MONTREAL; BEING RECOLLECTIONS OF A FEMALE PHYSICIAN. BY CHARLOTTE FUHRER Truth is Stranger than Fiction MONTREAL INTRODUCTION During a long practice of over thirty years I have seen many things enacted here in this city of Montreal which, if told with the skill of a Dumas or a Collins, might not only astonish but startle the sedate residents of this Church-going community. I have often, while waiting for the advent of a little midnight visitor, beguiled the weary hours with a narrative of some of my experiences, and have been amused at the expression on the faces of my fair patients when told that my memory, and not my imagination, had been drawn upon for materials....

December 2, 2022 · 94 min · 19824 words · James Reese

Historical Lecturers And Essays By Charles Kingsley

Contents: The First Discovery of AmericaCyrus, Servant of the LordAncient CivilisationRondeletVesaliusParacelsusBuchanan THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Let me begin this lecture {1} with a scene in the North Atlantic 863 years since. “Bjarne Grimolfson was blown with his ship into the Irish Ocean; and there came worms and the ship began to sink under them. They had a boat which they had payed with seals’ blubber, for that the sea- worms will not hurt....

December 1, 2022 · 90 min · 19026 words · Eric Ballester

History Of The Comstock Patent Medicine Business And Dr Morse S Indian Root Pills By Robert B Shaw

HISTORYof theCOMSTOCK PATENT MEDICINEBUSINESSand Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills by Robert B. ShawAssociate Professor, Accounting and History Clarkson College of TechnologyPotsdam, N.Y. SMITHSONIAN STUDIES IN HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY NUMBER 22 COVER: Changing methods of packaging Comstock remedies over the years.–Lower left: Original packaging of the Indian Root Pills in oval veneer boxes. Lower center: The glass bottles and cardboard and tin boxes. Lower right: The modern packaging during the final years of domestic manufacture....

December 1, 2022 · 103 min · 21853 words · Thomas Williams