Kansas Women In Literature By Nettie Garmer Barker

KANSAS WOMEN IN LITERATURE BY NETTIE GARMER BARKER TO MY NEAREST AND DEAREST–MY SILENT PARTNERS–MY HUSBAND AND MY MOTHER. KANSAS WOMENIN LITERATURE. “We are proud of Kansas, the beautiful queen, And proud are we of her fields of corn; But a nobler pride than these I ween, Is our pride in her children, Kansas born!” –Ellen P. Allerton– –Or adopted. In this galaxy of bright women, the State has a noble pride for every name, be its owner Kansas born or adopted, is a mightier force for good than its “walls of corn....

December 1, 2022 · 32 min · 6756 words · David Dones

Letters To His Son 1766 71 By The Earl Of Chesterfield

[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample the author’s ideas before making an entire meal of them. D.W.] LETTERS TO HIS SON 1766-71 By the EARL OF CHESTERFIELD on the Fine Art of becoming a MAN OF THE WORLD and a GENTLEMAN LETTER CCLXXXIV LONDON, February 11, 1766 MY DEAR FRIEND: I received two days ago your letter of the 25th past; and your former, which you mention in it, but ten days ago; this may easily be accounted for from the badness of the weather, and consequently of the roads....

December 1, 2022 · 59 min · 12507 words · John Gray

Life Its True Genesis By R W Wright

i”?Life: Its True Genesis By R. W. Wright [Masoretic Hebrew.]–xOe squaredxx(C)OeOe1/2x” x-Oe.x”Oe deg.xcxx”Oe3/4x’Oexoe xcOe.xoeOe3/4x”OexOeOe’x”Oexcxf.– IYa1/2– I”a1/2 IfIEuroa1/2 cubedII1/4I+- I+-a1/2I”I?a?| a1/4I1/2 I+-a1/2I”a?. II+-I”a1/2 deg. I cubeda1/2 cubedI1/2I?I, a1/4IEuroa1/2 I”a?I, I cubeda?I,. [Septuagint.] “Whose general principle of life, each in itself after its own kind, is upon the earth.” [Correct Translation.] Second Edition 1884 RESPECTFULLY DEDICATEDTOARTHUR E. HOTCHKISS, ESQ.OF CHESHIRE, CONN. Contents. Prefatory Chapter I. Introductory.Chapter II. Life–Its True Genesis. Chapter III....

December 1, 2022 · 93 min · 19606 words · Kristen Williams

Little Men By Louisa May Alcott


December 1, 2022 · 83 min · 17601 words · Michelle Rudzinski

Lover S Vows By Elizabeth Inchbald

Lovers VowsA Play in Five Actsby Mrs. Inchbaldfrom the German of Kotzebue TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES: This e-text is taken from the 5th edition published in 1798. As the PREFACE. makes clear, “Lovers Vows.” is not a direct translation of Kotzebue’s play “Child of Love” (sometimes known as “Natural Son”). In the printed text, when a character enters or exits, the name is often in all CAPS. I retained this. In the original, some of the spoken words are emphasised by italics....

December 1, 2022 · 87 min · 18352 words · Nicholas Jackson

Madame Chrysantheme V1 By Pierre Loti

[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample the author’s ideas before making an entire meal of them. D.W.] MADAME CHRYSANTHEME By PIERRE LOTI With a Preface by ALBERT SOREL, of the French Academy BOOK 1. PIERRE LOTI LOUIS-MARIE-JULIEN VIAUD, “Pierre Loti,” was born in Rochefort, of an old French-Protestant family, January 14, 1850. He was connected with the French Navy from 1867 to 1900, and is now a retired officer with full captain’s rank....

December 1, 2022 · 68 min · 14312 words · Mel Loske

Maria Or The Wrongs Of Woman By Mary Wollstonecraft

Spellings as in the original are retained; only obvious typographical errors have been corrected. MARIA or The Wrongs of Woman by MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (1759-1797) After the edition of 1798 CONTENTS Preface by William S. Godwin Author’s Preface Maria ================================================================ MARIA or The Wrongs of Woman PREFACE THE PUBLIC are here presented with the last literary attempt of an author, whose fame has been uncommonly extensive, and whose talents have probably been most admired, by the persons by whom talents are estimated with the greatest accuracy and discrimination....

December 1, 2022 · 87 min · 18478 words · Lucinda Applegate

Mrs Lirriper S Lodgings By Charles Dickens

MRS. LIRRIPER’S LODGINGS CHAPTER I–HOW MRS. LIRRIPER CARRIED ON THE BUSINESS Whoever would begin to be worried with letting Lodgings that wasn’t a lone woman with a living to get is a thing inconceivable to me, my dear; excuse the familiarity, but it comes natural to me in my own little room, when wishing to open my mind to those that I can trust, and I should be truly thankful if they were all mankind, but such is not so, for have but a Furnished bill in the window and your watch on the mantelpiece, and farewell to it if you turn your back for but a second, however gentlemanly the manners; nor is being of your own sex any safeguard, as I have reason, in the form of sugar-tongs to know, for that lady (and a fine woman she was) got me to run for a glass of water, on the plea of going to be confined, which certainly turned out true, but it was in the Station-house....

December 1, 2022 · 67 min · 14224 words · Thad Richard

New Collected Rhymes By Andrew Lang

New Collected Rhymes by Andrew Lang Contents: PrefaceIn Augustinum DobsonLoyal Lyrics How the Maid Marched from Blois Lone Places of the Deer An Old Song Jacobite “Auld Lang Syne” The Prince’s Birthday The Tenth of June, 1715 White Rose Day Red and White Roses The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond Kenmure Culloden The Last of the Leal Jeanne d’ArcCricket Rhymes To Helen Ballade of Dead Cricketers BrahmaCritical of Life, Art, and Literature Gainsborough Ghosts A Remonstrance with the Fair Rhyme of Rhymes Rhyme of Oxford Cockney Rhymes Rococo The Food of Fiction “A Highly Valuable Chain of Thoughts” Matrimony Piscatori Piscator The Contented Angler Off my Game The Property of a Gentleman who has Given up Collecting The Ballade of the Subconscious Self Ballade of the Optimist Zimbabwe Love’s Cryptogram Tusitala Disdainful Diaphenia Tall SalmacisJubilee Poems What Francesco said of the Jubilee The Poet and the Jubilee On any Beach Ode of Jubilee Jubilee before RevolutionFolk Songs French Peasant SongsBallads The Young Ruthven The Queen o’ Spain and the Bauld McLean Keith of Craigentolly PREFACE This poor little flutter of rhymes would not have been let down the wind: the project would have been abandoned but for the too flattering encouragement of a responsible friend....

December 1, 2022 · 39 min · 8300 words · Minnie Baker

On Our Selection By Arthur Hoey Davis

PIONEERS OF AUSTRALIA!To You “Who Gave Our Country Birth;” to the memory of Youwhose names, whose giant enterprise, whose deeds of fortitude and daringwere never engraved on tablet or tombstone; to You who strove through the silences of the Bush-lands and made them ours;to You who delved and toiled in loneliness through the years that have faded away;to You who have no place in the history of our Country so far as it is yet written;to You who have done MOST for this Land; to You for whom few, in the march of settlement, in the turmoil of busy city life, now appear to care;and to you particularly,GOOD OLD DAD,This Book is most affectionately dedicated....

December 1, 2022 · 79 min · 16714 words · Sandra Walters

Rob Roy Volume 2 By Sir Walter Scott

ROB ROY By Sir Walter Scott VOLUME TWO CHAPTER FIRST And hurry, hurry, off they rode, As fast as fast might be; Hurra, hurra, the dead can ride, Dost fear to ride with me? Burger. There is one advantage in an accumulation of evils, differing in cause and character, that the distraction which they afford by their contradictory operation prevents the patient from being overwhelmed under either. I was deeply grieved at my separation from Miss Vernon, yet not so much so as I should have been, had not my father’s apprehended distresses forced themselves on my attention; and I was distressed by the news of Mr....

December 1, 2022 · 93 min · 19770 words · Michael Vickery

Robert S Rules Of Order By Henry M Robert

Pocket ManualofRules Of OrderForDeliberative Assemblies — Part I.Rules of Order. A Compendium of Parliamentary Law, based upon the rules and practice of Congress. Part II.Organization and Conduct Of Business. A simple explanation of the methods of organizing and conducting the business of societies, conventions, and other deliberative assemblies. By Major Henry M. Robert,Corps of Engineers, U.S.A. Chicago:S. C. Griggs & Company.1876. === Page 2 ============================================================= — Copyright, A.D. 1876, by H....

December 1, 2022 · 79 min · 16750 words · Joseph Haines

Satires Of Circumstance Lyrics And Reveries With By Thomas Hardy

SATIRES OF CIRCUMSTANCE WITH MISCELLANEOUS PIECES by Thomas Hardy Contents: Lyrics and Reveries In Front of the Landscape Channel Firing The Convergence of the Twain The Ghost of the Past After the Visit To Meet, or Otherwise The Difference The Sun on the Bookcase “When I set out for Lyonnesse” A Thunderstorm in Town The Torn Letter Beyond the Last Lamp The Face at the Casement Lost Love “My spirit will not haunt the mound” “Wessex Heights In Death divided The Place on the Map Where the Picnic was The Schreckhorn A Singer asleep A Plaint to Man God’s Funeral Spectres that grieve “Ah, are you digging on my grave?...

December 1, 2022 · 40 min · 8358 words · James Ybarra

Shanty The Blacksmith By Mary Martha Sherwood

SHANTY THE BLACKSMITH; A TALE OF OTHER TIMES BY MRS. SHERWOOD. 1852. SHANTY THE BLACKSMITH. * * * * * It was during the last century, and before the spirit of revolution had effected any change in the manners of our forefathers, that the events took place, which are about to be recorded in this little volume. At that period there existed in the wild border country, which lies between England and Scotland, an ancient castle, of which only one tower, a few chambers in the main building, certain offices enclosed in high buttressed walls, and sundry out-houses hanging as it were on those walls, yet remained....

December 1, 2022 · 98 min · 20787 words · Ronald Squires

Sir Humphrey Gilbert S Voyage To Newfoundland By Edward Hayes

PREPARER’S NOTE This text is one of the items included in Voyages and Travels: Ancient and Modern and was prepared from a 1910 edition, published by P F Collier & Son Company, New York. Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s Voyage to Newfoundland by Edward Hayes INTRODUCTORY NOTE Sir Humphrey Gilbert, the founder of the first English colony in North America, was born about 1539, the son of a Devonshire gentleman, whose widow afterward married the father of Sir Walter Raleigh....

December 1, 2022 · 71 min · 14936 words · Robert Henry

Slave Narratives A Folk History Of Slavery In The United States Volume 7

[TR: ***] = Transcriber Note [HW: ***] = Handwritten Note SLAVE NARRATIVES A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves TYPEWRITTEN RECORDS PREPARED BY THE FEDERAL WRITERS’ PROJECT 1936-1938 ASSEMBLED BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PROJECT WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SPONSORED BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON 1941 VOLUME VII KENTUCKY NARRATIVES Prepared by The Federal Writers’ Project of The Works Progress Administration For the State of Kentucky [TR: All county names added....

December 1, 2022 · 82 min · 17377 words · Oscar Nailor

Stories Of Inventors By Russell Doubleday

[Illustration: MARCONI READING A MESSAGE] STORIES OF INVENTORS The Adventures Of Inventors And Engineers. True Incidents And Personal Experiences By RUSSELL DOUBLEDAY 1904 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author and publishers take pleasure in acknowledging the courtesy of The Scientific American The Booklovers Magazine The Holiday Magazine, and Messrs. Wood & Nathan Company for the use of a number of illustrations in this book. From The Scientific American, illustrations facing pages 16, 48, 78, 80, 88, 94, 118, 126, 142, and 162....

December 1, 2022 · 90 min · 19069 words · Paul Ferrell

Striking Hard By W W Jacobs

DEEP WATERS By W.W. JACOBS STRIKING HARD “You’ve what?” demanded Mrs. Porter, placing the hot iron carefully on its stand and turning a heated face on the head of the family. “Struck,” repeated Mr. Porter; “and the only wonder to me is we’ve stood it so long as we have. If I was to tell you all we’ve ‘ad to put up with I don’t suppose you’d believe me.” “Very likely,” was the reply....

December 1, 2022 · 29 min · 6095 words · Marilyn Tanaka

Tess Of The D Urbervilles A Pure Woman By Thomas Hardy

A Pure Woman Faithfully PresentedBy Thomas Hardy Transcribed by Steve Menyhert (phred sit.sps.mot.com) Proofread by Meredith Ricker Contents Phase the First: The Maiden, I-XI Phase the Second: Maiden No More, XII-XV Phase the Third: The Rally, XVI-XXIV Phase the Fourth: The Consequence, XXV-XXXIV Phase the Fifth: The Woman Pays, XXXV-XLIV Phase the Sixth: The Convert, XLV-LII Phase the Seventh: Fulfillment, LIII-LIX Phase the First: The Maiden I On an evening in the latter part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor....

December 1, 2022 · 66 min · 13891 words · Valerie Lake

The Aeroplane Speaks By H Barber

THE AEROPLANE SPEAKS BY H. BARBER(CAPTAIN, ROYAL FLYING CORPS) DEDICATED TO THE SUBALTERN FLYING OFFICER MOTIVE The reasons impelling me to write this book, the maiden effort of my pen, are, firstly, a strong desire to help the ordinary man to understand the Aeroplane and the joys and troubles of its Pilot; and, secondly, to produce something of PRACTICAL assistance to the Pilot and his invaluable assistant the Rigger. Having had some eight years’ experience in designing, building, and flying aeroplanes, I have hopes that the practical knowledge I have gained may offset the disadvantage of a hand more used to managing the “joy- stick” than the dreadful haltings, the many side-slips, the irregular speed, and, in short, the altogether disconcerting ways of a pen....

December 1, 2022 · 76 min · 16149 words · Steven Buchanan