The Home Book of Verse, Volume 2 by Burton Egbert Stevenson Contents of Volume I of the two volume set are in our Volume 1 This includes contents of Volumes 1 through 4 of our Etext editions. PART II POEMS OF LOVE EROS The sense of the world is short, –Long and various the report, –To love and be beloved;Men and gods have not outlearned it; And, how oft soe’er they’ve turned it,‘Tis not to be improved. Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-1882] “NOW WHAT IS LOVE” “NOW WHAT IS LOVE” Now what is Love, I pray thee, tell?It is that fountain and that wellWhere pleasure and repentance dwell; It is, perhaps, the sauncing bellThat tolls all into heaven or hell; And this is Love, as I hear tell. Yet what is Love, I prithee, say?It is a work on holiday,It is December matched with May,When lusty bloods in fresh arrayHear ten months after of the play;And this is Love, as I hear say. Yet what is Love, good shepherd, sain? It is a sunshine mixed with rain,It is a toothache or like pain,It is a game where none hath gain;The lass saith no, yet would full fain; And this is Love, as I hear sain. Yet, shepherd, what is Love, I pray?It is a yes, it is a nay,A pretty kind of sporting fray, It is a thing will soon away.Then, nymphs, take vantage while ye may; And this is Love, as I hear say. Yet what is Love, good shepherd, show? A thing that creeps, it cannot go,A prize that passeth to and fro,A thing for one, a thing for moe,And he that proves shall find it so; And shepherd, this is Love, I trow. Walter Raleigh [1552?-1618] WOOING SONGFrom “Christ’s Victory” Love is the blossom where there blows Every thing that lives or grows:Love doth make the Heavens to move, And the Sun doth burn in love:Love the strong and weak doth yoke, And makes the ivy climb the oak,Under whose shadows lions wild,Softened by love, grow tame and mild: Love no medicine can appease,He burns fishes in the seas:Not all the skill his wounds can stench, Not all the sea his fire can quench.Love did make the bloody spearOnce a leavy coat to wear,While in his leaves there shrouded lay Sweet birds, for love that sing and play And of all love’s joyful flameI the bud and blossom am.Only bend thy knee to me,Thy wooing shall thy winning be! See, see the flowers that belowNow as fresh as morning blow;And of all the virgin roseThat as bright Aurora shows;How they all unleaved die,Losing their virginity!Like unto a summer shade,But now born, and now they fade.Every thing doth pass away;There is danger in delay:Come, come, gather then the rose,Gather it, or it you lose!All the sand of Tagus’ shoreInto my bosom casts his ore:All the valleys’ swimming cornTo my house is yearly borne:Every grape of every vineIs gladly bruised to make me wine:While ten thousand kings, as proud, To carry up my train have bowed,And a world of ladies send meIn my chambers to attend me:All the stars in Heaven that shine, And ten thousand more, are mine:Only bend thy knee to me,Thy wooing shall thy winning be. Giles Fletcher [1549?-1611] ROSALIND’S MADRIGALFrom “Rosalind” Love in my bosom like a beeDoth suck his sweet:Now with his wings he plays with me, Now with his feet.Within mine eyes he makes his nest, His bed amidst my tender breast;My kisses are his daily feast,And yet he robs me of my rest:Ah! wanton, will ye? And if I sleeps, then percheth heWith pretty flight,And makes his pillow of my kneeThe livelong night.Strike I my lute, he tunes the string; He music plays if so I sing;He lends me every lovely thing,Yet cruel he my heart doth sting:Whist, wanton, still ye! Else I with roses every dayWill whip you hence,And bind you, when you long to play, For your offence.I’ll shut mine eyes to keep you in; I’ll make you fast it for your sin;I’ll count your power not worth a pin. – Alas! what hereby shall I winIf he gainsay me? What if I beat the wanton boyWith many a rod?He will repay me with annoy,Because a god.Then sit thou safely on my knee;Then let thy bower my bosom be;Lurk in mine eyes, I like of thee;O Cupid, so thou pity me,Spare not, but play thee! Thomas Lodge [1558?-1625] SONGFrom “Hymen’s Triumph” Love is a sickness full of woes,All remedies refusing;A plant that with most cutting grows, Most barren with best using.Why so?More we enjoy it, more it dies;If not enjoyed, it sighing cries –Heigh ho! Love is a torment of the mind,A tempest everlasting;And Jove hath made it of a kindNot well, nor full nor fasting.Why so?More we enjoy it, more it dies;If not enjoyed, it sighing cries –Heigh ho! Samuel Daniel [1562-1619] LOVE’S PERJURIESFrom “Love’s Labor’s Lost” On a day, alack the day!Love, whose month is ever May,Spied a blossom passing fairPlaying in the wanton air:Through the velvet leaves the wind, All unseen, ‘gan passage find;That the lover, sick to death,Wished himself the heaven’s breath. Air, quoth he, thy cheeks may blow;Air, would I might triumph so!But, alack, my hand is swornNe’er to pluck thee from thy thorn: Vow, alack, for youth unmeet;Youth so apt to pluck a sweet.Do not call it sin in meThat I am forsworn for thee:Thou for whom e’en Jove would swear Juno but an Ethiope were,And deny himself for Jove,Turning mortal for thy love. William Shakespeare [1564-1616] VENUS’ RUNAWAYFrom “The Hue and Cry After Cupid” Beauties, have ye seen this toy,Called Love, a little boy,Almost naked, wanton, blind;Cruel now, and then as kind?If he be amongst ye, say?He is Venus’ runaway. She that will but now discoverWhere the winged wag doth hover,Shall to-night receive a kiss,How or where herself would wish:But who brings him to his mother,Shall have that kiss, and another. He hath marks about him plenty:You shall know him among twenty.All his body is a fire,And his breath a flame entire,That, being shot like lightning in, Wounds the heart, but not the skin. At his sight, the sun hath turned,Neptune in the waters burned;Hell hath felt a greater heat;Jove himself forsook his seat:From the centre to the sky,Are his trophies reared high. Wings he hath, which though ye clip,He will leap from lip to lip,Over liver, lights, and heart,But not stay in any part;But if chance his arrow misses,He will shoot himself in kisses. He doth bear a golden bow,And a quiver, hanging low,Full of arrows, that outbraveDian’s shafts; where, if he haveAny head more sharp than other,With that first he strikes his mother. Still the fairest are his fuel.When his days are to be cruel,Lovers’ hearts are all his food,And his baths their warmest blood:Naught but wounds his hands doth season, And he hates none like to Reason. Trust him not; his words, though sweet, Seldom with his heart do meet.All his practice is deceit;Every gift it is a bait;Not a kiss but poison bears;And most treason in his tears. Idle minutes are his reign;Then, the straggler makes his gainBy presenting maids with toys,And would have ye think them joys:‘Tis the ambition of the elfTo have all childish as himself. If by these ye please to know him,Beauties, be not nice, but show him. Though ye had a will to hide him,Now, we hope, ye’ll not abide him;Since you hear his falser play,And that he’s Venus’ runaway. Ben Jonson [1573?-1637] WHAT IS LOVE?From “The Captain” Tell me, dearest, what is love?‘Tis a lightning from above;‘Tis an arrow, ’tis a fire,‘Tis a boy they call Desire.‘Tis a grave,Gapes to haveThose poor fools that long to prove. Tell me more, are women true?Yes, some are, and some as you.Some are willing, some are strange, Since you men first taught to change.And till trothBe in both,All shall love, to love anew. Tell me more yet, can they grieve?Yes, and sicken sore, but live,And be wise, and delay,When you men are wise as they.Then I see,Faith will beNever till they both believe. John Fletcher [1579-1625] LOVE’S EMBLEMSFrom “Valentinian” Now the lusty spring is seen;Golden yellow, gaudy blue,Daintily invite the view:Everywhere on every greenRoses blushing as they blow,And enticing men to pull,Lilies whiter than the snow,Woodbines of sweet honey full:All love’s emblems, and all cry,“Ladies, if not plucked, we die.” Yet the lusty spring hath stayed;Blushing red and purest whiteDaintily to love inviteEvery woman, every maid:Cherries kissing as they grow,And inviting men to taste,Apples even ripe below,Winding gently to the waist:All love’s emblems, and all cry,“Ladies, if not plucked, we die.” John Fletcher [1579-1625] THE POWER OF LOVEFrom “Valentinian” Hear, ye ladies that despiseWhat the mighty Love has done;Fear examples and be wise:Fair Callisto was a nun;Leda, sailing on the streamTo deceive the hopes of man,Love accounting but a dream,Doted on a silver swan;Danae, in a brazen tower,Where no love was, loved a shower. Hear, ye ladies that are coy,What the mighty Love can do;Fear the fierceness of the boy:The chaste Moon he makes to woo;Vesta, kindling holy fires,Circled round about with spies,Never dreaming loose desires,Doting at the altar dies;Ilion, in a short hour, higherHe can build, and once more fire. John Fletcher [1579-1625] ADVICE TO A LOVER The sea hath many thousand sands,The sun hath motes as many;The sky is full of stars, and LoveAs full of woes as any:Believe me, that do know the elf,And make no trial by thyself! It is in truth a pretty toyFor babes to play withal:But O, the honies of our youthAre oft our age’s gall:Self-proof in time will make thee know He was a prophet told thee so: A prophet that, Cassandra-like,Tells truth without belief;For headstrong Youth will run his race, Although his goal be grief: –Love’s Martyr, when his heat is past, Proves Care’s Confessor at the last. Unknown LOVE’S HOROSCOPE Love, brave Virtue’s younger brother, Erst hath made my heart a mother,She consults the anxious spheres,To calculate her young son’s years; She asks if sad or saving powersGave omen to his infant hours;She asks each star that then stood by If poor Love shall live or die. Ah, my heart! is that the way?Are these the beams that rule thy day? Thou know’st a face in whose each lookBeauty lays ope Love’s fortune-book, On whose fair revolutions waitThe obsequious motions of Love’s fate. Ah, my heart! her eyes and sheHave taught thee new astrology.Howe’er Love’s native hours were set, Whatever starry synod met,‘Tis in the mercy of her eye,If poor Love shall live or die. If those sharp rays, putting onPoints of death, bid Love be gone; – Though the heavens in council sateTo crown an uncontrolled fate;Though their best aspects twined upon The kindest constellation,Cast amorous glances on its birth,And whispered the confederate earth To pave his paths with all the goodThat warms the bed of youth and blood: – Love has no plea against her eye;Beauty frowns, and Love must die. But if her milder influence move,And gild the hopes of humble Love; – Though heaven’s inauspicious eyeLay black on Love’s nativity;Though every diamond in Jove’s crown Fixed his forehead to a frown; –Her eye a strong appeal can give,Beauty smiles, and Love shall live. O, if Love shall live, O where,But in her eye, or in her ear,In her breast, or in her breath,Shall I hide poor Love from death?For in the life aught else can give, Love shall die, although he live. Or, if Love shall die, O where,But in her eye, or in her ear,In her breath, or in her breast,Shall I build his funeral nest?While Love shall thus entombed lie, Love shall live, although he die! Richard Crashaw [1613?-1649] “AH, HOW SWEET IT IS TO LOVE!”From “Tyrannic Love” Ah, how sweet it is to love!Ah, how gay is young Desire!And what pleasing pains we proveWhen we first approach Love’s fire! Pains of Love be sweeter farThan all other pleasures are. Sighs which are from lovers blownDo but gently heave the heart:Even the tears they shed aloneCure, like trickling balm, their smart: Lovers, when they lose their breath,Bleed away in easy death. Love and Time with reverence use,Treat them like a parting friend;Nor the golden gifts refuseWhich in youth sincere they send:For each year their price is more,And they less simple than before. Love, like spring-tides full and high, Swells in every youthful vein;But each tide does less supply,Till they quite shrink in again:If a flow in age appear,‘Tis but rain, and runs not clear. John Dryden [1631-1700] SONG Love still has something of the sea,From whence his Mother rose;No time his slaves from doubt can free, Nor give their thoughts repose. They are becalmed in clearest days,And in rough weather tossed;They wither under cold delays,Or are in tempests lost. One while they seem to touch the port, Then straight into the mainSome angry wind, in cruel sport,The vessel drives again. At first Disdain and Pride they fear, Which if they chance to ‘scape,Rivals and Falsehood soon appear,In a more dreadful shape. By such degrees to joy they come,And are so long withstood,So slowly they receive the sum,It hardly does them good. ‘Tis cruel to prolong a pain;And to defer a joy,Believe me, gentle Celemene,Offends the winged boy. An hundred thousand oaths your fears, Perhaps, would not remove;And if I gazed a thousand years,I could no deeper love. Charles Sedley [1639?-1710] THE VINEFrom “Sunday Up the River” The wine of Love is music,And the feast of Love is song:And when Love sits down to the banquet, Love sits long: Sits long and arises drunken,But not with the feast and the wine; He reeleth with his own heart,That great, rich Vine. James Thomson [1834-1882] SONG Fain would I change that noteTo which fond love hath charmed me, Long, long to sing by rote,Fancying that that harmed me:Yet when this thought doth come, –Love is the perfect sumOf all delight.I have no other choiceEither for pen or voiceTo sing or write. O love, they wrong thee muchThat say thy sweet is bitterWhen thy rich fruit is suchAs nothing can be sweeter.Fair house of joy and blissWhere truest pleasure is,I do adore thee:I know thee what thou art,I serve thee with my heart,And fall before thee. Unknown CUPID STUNG Cupid once upon a bedOf roses laid his weary head;Luckless urchin, not to seeWithin the leaves a slumbering bee. The bee awaked – with anger wildThe bee awaked, and stung the child. Loud and piteous are his cries;To Venus quick he runs, he flies;“Oh Mother! I am wounded through –I die with pain – in sooth I do!Stung by some little angry thing,Some serpent on a tiny wing –A bee it was – for once, I know,I heard a rustic call it so.”Thus he spoke, and she the whileHeard him with a soothing smile;Then said, “My infant, if so muchThou feel the little wild bee’s touch, How must the heart, ah, Cupid! be,The hapless heart that’s stung by thee!” Thomas Moore [1779-1852] CUPID DROWNED T’other day, as I was twiningRoses, for a crown to dine in,What, of all things, ‘mid the heap, Should I light on, fast asleep,But the little desperate elf,The tiny traitor, Love, himself!By the wings I picked him upLike a bee, and in a cupOf my wine I plunged and sank him,Then what d’ye think I did? – I drank him. Faith, I thought him dead. Not he!There he lives with ten-fold glee;And now this moment with his wingsI feel him tickling my heart-strings. Leigh Hunt [1784-1859] SONGFrom “The Heir of Vironi” Oh! say not woman’s love is boughtWith vain and empty treasure.Oh! say not woman’s heart is caught By every idle pleasure.When first her gentle bosom knowsLove’s flame, it wanders never;Deep in her heart the passion glows, She loves, and loves for ever. Oh! say not woman’s false as fair,That, like the bee, she ranges,Still seeking flowers more sweet and rare, As fickle fancy changes.Ah no! the love that first can warm Will leave her bosom never;No second passion e’er can charm,She loves, and loves for ever. Isaac Pocock [1782-1835] “IN THE DAYS OF OLD”From “Crotchet Castle” In the days of oldLovers felt true passion,Deeming years of sorrowBy a smile repaid:Now the charms of gold,Spells of pride and fashion,Bid them say Good-morrowTo the best-loved Maid. Through the forests wild,O’er the mountains lonely,They were never wearyHonor to pursue:If the damsel smiledOnce in seven years only,All their wanderings drearyAmple guerdon knew. Now one day’s capriceWeighs down years of smiling,Youthful hearts are rovers,Love is bought and sold.Fortune’s gifts may cease,Love is less beguiling:Wiser were the loversIn the days of old. Thomas Love Peacock [1785-1866] SONG How delicious is the winningOf a kiss at Love’s beginning,When two mutual hearts are sighingFor the knot there’s no untying! Yet remember, ‘midst your wooing,Love has bliss, but Love has ruing; Other smiles may make you fickle,Tears for other charms may trickle. Love he comes, and Love he tarries,Just as fate or fancy carries;Longest stays, when sorest chidden; Laughs and flies, when pressed and bidden. Bind the sea to slumber stilly,Bind its odor to the lily,Bind the aspen ne’er to quiver,Then bind Love to last forever! Love’s a fire that needs renewalOf fresh beauty for its fuel:Love’s wing moults when caged and captured, Only free, he soars enraptured. Can you keep the bee from ranging,Or the ringdove’s neck from changing? No! nor fettered Love from dyingIn the knot there’s no untying. Thomas Campbell [1777-1844] STANZAS Could Love for everRun like a river,And Time’s endeavorBe tried in vain –No other pleasureWith this could measure,And like a treasureWe’d hug the chain.But since our sighingEnds not in dying,And, formed for flying,Love plumes his wing;Then for this reasonLet’s love a season;But let that seasonBe only Spring. When lovers partedFeel broken-hearted,And, all hopes thwarted,Expect to die;A few years older,Ah! how much colderThey might behold herFor whom they sigh!When linked together,In every weather,They pluck Love’s featherFrom out his wing –He’ll stay for ever,But sadly shiverWithout his plumage,When past the Spring. Like Chiefs of Faction,His life is action –A formal pactionThat curbs his reign,Obscures his glory,Despot no more, heSuch territoryQuits with disdain.Still, still advancing,With banners glancing,His power enhancing,He must move on –Repose but cloys him,Retreat destroys him,Love brooks not aDegraded throne. Wait not, fond lover!Till years are over,And then recover,As from a dream.While each bewailingThe other’s failing,With wrath and railing,All hideous seem –While first decreasing,Yet not quite ceasing,Wait not till teasingAll passion blight:If once diminishedLove’s reign is finished –Then part in friendship, –And bid good-night. So shall AffectionTo recollectionThe dear connectionBring back with joy:You had not waitedTill, tired or hated,Your passions satedBegan to cloy.Your last embracesLeave no cold traces –The same fond facesAs through the past;And eyes, the mirrorsOf your sweet errors,Reflect but rapture –Not least though last. True, separationsAsk more than patience;What desperationsFrom such have risen!But yet remaining,What is’t but chainingHearts which, once waning,Beat ‘gainst their prison?Time can but cloy love,And use destroy love:The winged boy, Love,Is but for boys –You’ll find it tortureThough sharper, shorter,To wean and notWear out your joys. George Gordon Byron [1788-1824] “THEY SPEAK O’ WILES” They speak o’ wiles in woman’s smiles, An’ ruin in her ee;I ken they bring a pang at whilesThat’s unco’ sair to dree; But mind ye this, the half-ta’en kiss, The first fond fa’in’ tear,Is, heaven kens, fu’ sweet amends,An’ tints o’ heaven here. When two leal hearts in fondness meet, Life’s tempests howl in vain;The very tears o’ love are sweetWhen paid with tears again. Shall hapless prudence shake its pow? Shall cauldrife caution fear?Oh, dinna, dinna droun the loweThat lights a heaven here! William Thom [1798?-1848] “LOVE WILL FIND OUT THE WAY” Over the mountainsAnd over the waves,Under the fountainsAnd under the graves,Under floods that are deepest,Which Neptune obey,Over rocks that are steepest,Love will find out the way. Where there is no placeFor the glow-worm to lie,Where there is no spaceFor receipt of a fly,Where the midge dares not venture,Lest herself fast she lay,If Love come, he will enter,And find out the way. You may esteem himA child for his might,Or you may deem himA coward from his flight:But if she whom Love doth honorBe concealed from the day,Set a thousand guards upon her,Love will find out the way. Some think to lose him,By having him confined,And some do suppose him,Poor thing, to be blind;But if ne’er so close ye wall him,Do the best that you may,Blind Love, if so ye call him,Will find out the way. You may train the eagleTo stoop to your fist,Or you may inveigleThe phoenix of the east;The tiger, ye may move herTo give over her prey;But you’ll ne’er stop a lover –He will find out the way. Unknown A WOMAN’S SHORTCOMINGS She has laughed as softly as if she sighed, She has counted six, and over,Of a purse well filled, and a heart well tried – Oh, each a worthy lover!They “give her time”; for her soul must slip Where the world has set the grooving;She will lie to none with her fair red lip: But love seeks truer loving. She trembles her fan in a sweetness dumb, As her thoughts were beyond recalling;With a glance for one, and a glance for some, From her eyelids rising and falling;Speaks common words with a blushful air, Hears bold words, unreproving;But her silence says – what she never will swear – And love seeks better loving. Go, lady! lean to the night-guitar,And drop a smile to the bringer;Then smile as sweetly, when he is far, At the voice of an in-door singer.Bask tenderly beneath tender eyes;Glance lightly, on their removing;And join new vows to old perjuries – But dare not call it loving! Unless you can think, when the song is done, No other is soft in the rhythm;Unless you can feel, when left by One, That all men else go with him;Unless you can know, when unpraised by his breath, That your beauty itself wants proving;Unless you can swear “For life, for death!” – Oh, fear to call it loving! Unless you can muse in a crowd all day On the absent face that fixed you;Unless you can love, as the angels may, With the breadth of heaven betwixt you;Unless you can dream that his faith is fast, Through behoving and unbehoving;Unless you can die when the dream is past – Oh, never call it loving! Elizabeth Barrett Browning [1806-1861] “LOVE HATH A LANGUAGE”From “To My Son” Love hath a language for all years –Fond hieroglyphs, obscure and old – Wherein the heart reads, writ in tears,The tale which never yet was told. Love hath his meter too, to traceThose bounds which never yet were given, – To measure that which mocks at space,Is deep as death, and high as heaven. Love hath his treasure hoards, to pay True faith, or goodly service done, –Dear priceless nothings, which outweigh All riches that the sun shines on. Helen Selina Sheridan [1807-1867] SONGFrom “Maud” O, let the solid ground,Not fail beneath my feetBefore my life has foundWhat some have found so sweet;Then let come what come may,What matter if I go mad,I shall have had my day. Let the sweet heavens endure,Not close and darken above meBefore I am quite quite sureThat there is one to love me!Then let come what come mayTo a life that has been so sad,I shall have had my day. Alfred Tennyson [1809-1892] AMATURUS Somewhere beneath the sun,These quivering heart-strings prove it, Somewhere there must be oneMade for this soul to move it;Some one that hides her sweetnessFrom neighbors whom she slights,Nor can attain completeness,Nor give her heart its rights;Some one whom I could courtWith no great change of manner,Still holding reason’s fort,Though waving fancy’s banner;A lady, not so queenlyAs to disdain my hand,Yet born to smile serenelyLike those that rule the land;Noble, but not too proud;With soft hair simply folded,And bright face crescent-browed,And throat by Muses moulded;And eyelids lightly fallingOn little glistening seas,Deep-calm, when gales are brawling, Though stirred by every breeze;Swift voice, like flight of doveThrough minster-arches floating,With sudden turns, when loveGets overnear to doting;Keen lips, that shape soft sayingsLike crystals of the snow,With pretty half-betrayingsOf things one may not know;Fair hand whose touches thrill,Like golden rod of wonder,Which Hermes wields at willSpirit and flesh to sunder;Light foot, to press the stirrupIn fearlessness and glee,Or dance, till finches chirrup,And stars sink to the sea. Forth, Love, and find this maid,Wherever she be hidden:Speak, Love, be not afraid,But plead as thou art bidden;And say, that he who taught theeHis yearning want and pain,Too dearly, dearly bought theeTo part with thee in vain. William Johnson-Cory [1823-1892] THE SURFACE AND THE DEPTHS Love took my life and thrilled itThrough all its strings,Played round my mind and filled itWith sound of wings;But to my heart he never cameTo touch it with his golden flame. Therefore it is that singingI do rejoice,Nor heed the slow years bringingA harsher voice;Because the songs which he has sung Still leave the untouched singer young. But whom in fuller fashionThe Master sways,For him, swift-winged with passion, Fleet the brief days.Betimes the enforced accents come,And leave him ever after dumb. Lewis Morris [1833-1907] A BALLAD OF DREAMLAND I hid my heart in a nest of roses,Out of the sun’s way, hidden apart; In a softer bed then the soft white snow’s is, Under the roses I hid my heart.Why would it sleep not? why should it start, When never a leaf of the rose-tree stirred? What made sleep flutter his wings and part? Only the song of a secret bird. Lie still, I said, for the wind’s wing closes, And mild leaves muffle the keen sun’s dart; Lie still, for the wind on the warm seas dozes, And the wind is unquieter yet than thou art. Does a thought in thee still as a thorn’s wound smart? Does the fang still fret thee of hope deferred? What bids the lips of thy sleep dispart? Only the song of a secret bird. The green land’s name that a charm encloses, It never was writ in the traveller’s chart, And sweet on its trees as the fruit that grows is, It never was sold in the merchant’s mart. The swallows of dreams through its dim fields dart, And sleep’s are the tunes in its tree-tops heard; No hound’s note wakens the wildwood hart, Only the song of a secret bird. ENVOIIn the world of dreams I have chosen my part, To sleep for a season and hear no wordOf true love’s truth or of light love’s art, Only the song of a secret bird. Algernon Charles Swinburne [1837-1909] ENDYMION The rising moon has hid the stars;Her level rays, like golden bars,Lie on the landscape green,With shadows brown between. And silver white the river gleams,As if Diana, in her dreamsHad dropped her silver bowUpon the meadows low. On such a tranquil night as this,She woke Endymion with a kiss,When, sleeping in the grove,He dreamed not of her love. Like Dian’s kiss, unasked, unsought,Love gives itself, but is not bought; Nor voice, nor sound betraysIts deep, impassioned gaze. It comes, – the beautiful, the free,The crown of all humanity, –In silence and aloneTo seek the elected one. It lifts the boughs, whose shadows deep Are life’s oblivion, the soul’s sleep,And kisses the closed eyesOf him who slumbering lies. O weary hearts! O slumbering eyes!O drooping souls, whose destiniesAre fraught with fear and pain,Ye shall be loved again! No one is so accursed by fate,No one so utterly desolate,But some heart, though unknown,Responds unto his own. Responds, – as if with unseen wings,An angel touched its quivering strings; And whispers, in its song,“Where hast thou stayed so long?” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [1807-1882] FATE Two shall be born, the whole wide world apart, And speak in different tongues and have no thought Each of the other’s being, and no heed.And these, o’er unknown seas, to unknown lands Shall cross, escaping wreck, defying death; And all unconsciously shape every actAnd bend each wandering step to this one end – That, one day, out of darkness they shall meet And read life’s meaning in each other’s eyes. And two shall walk some narrow way of life So nearly side by side that, should one turn Ever so little space to left or right,They needs must stand acknowledged, face to face. And, yet, with wistful eyes that never meet And groping hands that never clasp and lips Calling in vain to ears that never hear, They seek each other all their weary days And die unsatisfied – and this is Fate! Susan Marr Spalding [1841-1908] “GIVE ALL TO LOVE” Give all to love;Obey thy heart;Friends, kindred, days,Estate, good fame,Plans, credit, and the Muse, –Nothing refuse. ‘Tis a brave master;Let it have scope:Follow it utterly,Hope beyond hope:High and more highIt dives into noon,With wing unspent,Untold intent;But it is a god,Knows its own pathAnd the outlets of the sky. It was never for the mean;It requireth courage stout.Souls above doubt,Valor unbending,It will reward, –They shall returnMore than they were,And ever ascending. Leave all for love;Yet, hear me, yet,One word more thy heart behoved,One pulse more of firm endeavor, –Keep thee to-day,To-morrow, forever,Free as an ArabOf thy beloved. Cling with life to the maid;But when the surprise,First vague shadow of surmise,Flits across her bosom young,Of a joy apart from thee,Free be she, fancy-free;Nor thou detain her vesture’s hem,Nor the palest rose she flungFrom her summer diadem. Though thou loved her as thyself,As a self of purer clay,Though her parting dims the day,Stealing grace from all alive;Heartily know,When half-gods go,The gods arrive. Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-1882] “O, LOVE IS NOT A SUMMER MOOD” O, love is not a summer mood,Nor flying phantom of the brain,Nor youthful fever of the blood,Nor dream, nor fate, nor circumstance. Love is not born of blinded chance,Nor bred in simple ignorance. Love is the flower of maidenhood;Love is the fruit of mortal pain;And she hath winter in her blood.True love is steadfast as the skies, And once alight, she never flies;And love is strong, and love is wise. Richard Watson Gilder [1844-1909] WHEN WILL LOVE COME? Some find Love late, some find him soon, Some with the rose in May,Some with the nightingale in June,And some when skies are gray;Love comes to some with smiling eyes, And comes with tears to some;For some Love sings, for some Love sighs, For some Love’s lips are dumb. How will you come to me, fair Love?Will you come late or soon?With sad or smiling skies above,By light of sun or moon?Will you be sad, will you be sweet, Sing, sigh, Love, or be dumb?Will it be summer when we meet,Or autumn ere you come? Pakenham Beatty [1855- “AWAKE, MY HEART” Awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake! The darkness silvers away, the morn doth break, It leaps in the sky: unrisen lustres slake The o’ertaken moon. Awake, O heart, awake! She too that loveth awaketh and hopes for thee: Her eyes already have sped the shades that flee, Already they watch the path thy feet shall take: Awake, O heart, to be loved, awake, awake! And if thou tarry from her, – if this could be, – She cometh herself, O heart, to be loved, to thee; For thee would unashamed herself forsake: Awake, to be loved, my heart, awake, awake! Awake! The land is scattered with light, and see, Uncanopied sleep is flying from field and tree; And blossoming boughs of April in laughter shake: Awake, O heart, to be loved, awake, awake! Lo, all things wake and tarry and look for thee: She looketh and saith, “O sun, now bring him to me. Come, more adored, O adored, for his coming’s sake, And awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake!” Robert Bridges [1844-1930] THE SECRET Nightingales warble about itAll night under blossom and star;The wild swan is dying without it,And the eagle crieth afar;The sun, he doth mount but to find it, Searching the green earth o’er;But more doth a man’s heart mind it – O more, more, more! Over the gray leagues of oceanThe infinite yearneth alone;The forests with wandering emotionThe thing they know not intone;Creation arose but to see it,A million lamps in the blue;But a lover, he shall be it,If one sweet maid is true. George Edward Woodberry [1855-1930] THE ROSE OF STARS When Love, our great Immortal,Put on mortality,And down from Eden’s portalBrought this sweet life to be,At the sublime archangelHe laughed with veiled eyes,For he bore within his bosomThe seed of Paradise. He hid it in his bosom,And there such warmth it found,It brake in bud and blossomAnd the rose fell on the ground;As the green light on the prairie,As the red light on the sea,Through fragrant belts of summerCame this sweet life to be. And the grave archangel seeing,Spread his mighty wings for flight, But the glow hung round him fleeingLike the rose of an Arctic night;And sadly moving heavenwardBy Venus and by Mars,He heard the joyful planetsHail Earth, the Rose of Stars. George Edward Woodberry [1855-1930] SONG OF EROSFrom “Agathon” When love in the faint heart trembles, And the eyes with tears are wet,O, tell me what resemblesThee, young Regret?Violets with dewdrops drooping,Lilies o’erfull of gold,Roses in June rains stooping,That weep for the cold,Are like thee, young Regret. Bloom, violets, lilies, and roses!But what, young Desire,Like thee, when love disclosesThy heart of fire?The wild swan unreturning,The eagle alone with the sun,The long-winged storm-gulls burning Seaward when day is done,Are like thee, young Desire. George Edward Woodberry [1855-1930] LOVE IS STRONG A viewless thing is the wind,But its strength is mightier farThan a phalanxed host in battle line, Than the limbs of a Samson are. And a viewless thing is Love,And a name that vanisheth;But her strength is the wind’s wild strength above, For she conquers shame and Death. Richard Burton [1861- “LOVE ONCE WAS LIKE AN APRIL DAWN” Love once was like an April dawn:Song throbbed within the heart by rote, And every tint of rose or fawnWas greeted by a joyous note.How eager was my thought to seeInto that morning mystery! Love now is like an August noon,No spot is empty of its shine;The sun makes silence seem a boon,And not a voice so dumb as mine.Yet with what words I’d welcome thee – Couldst thou return, dear mystery! Robert Underwood Johnson [1853- THE GARDEN OF SHADOW Love heeds no more the sighing of the wind Against the perfect flowers: thy garden’s close Is grown a wilderness, where none shall find One strayed, last petal of one last year’s rose. O bright, bright hair! O mouth like a ripe fruit! Can famine be so nigh to harvesting?Love, that was songful, with a broken lute In grass of graveyards goeth murmuring. Let the wind blow against the perfect flowers, And all thy garden change and glow with spring: Love is grown blind with no more count of hours Nor part in seed-time nor in harvesting. Ernest Dowson [1867-1900] THE CALL Love comes laughing up the valleys,Hand in hand with hoyden Spring;All the Flower-People nodding,All the Feathered-Folk a-wing. “Higher! Higher!” call the thrushes;“Wilder! Freer!” breathe the trees; And the purple mountains beckonUpward to their mysteries. Always farther leagues to wander,Peak to peak and slope to slope;Lips to sing and feet to follow,Eyes to dream and heart to hope! Tarry? Nay, but who can tarry?All the world is on the wing;Love comes laughing up the valleys, Hand in hand with hoyden Spring. Reginald Wright Kauffman [1877- THE HIGHWAY All day long on the highwayThe King’s fleet couriers ride;You may hear the tread of their horses sped Over the country side.They ride for life and they ride for death And they override who tarrieth.With show of color and flush of pride They stir the dust on the highway. Let them ride on the highway wide.Love walks in little paths aside. All day long on the highwayIs a tramp of an army’s feet;You may see them go in a marshaled row With the tale of their arms complete:They march for war and they march for peace, For the lust of gold and fame’s increase, For victories sadder than defeatThey raise the dust on the highway. All the armies of earth defied,Love dwells in little paths aside. All day long on the highwayRushes an eager band,With straining eyes for a worthless prize That slips from the grasp like sand.And men leave blood where their feet have stood And bow them down unto brass and wood –Idols fashioned by their own hand – Blind in the dust of the highway. Power and gold and fame denied,Love laughs glad in the paths aside. Louise Driscoll [1875- SONG Take it, love!‘Twill soon be over,With the thickening of the clover,With the calling of the plover,Take it, take it, lover. Take it, boy!The blossom’s falling,And the farewell cuckoo’s calling,While the sun and showers are one,Take your love out in the sun. Take it, girl!And fear no after,Take your fill of all this laughter, Laugh or not, the tears will fall,Take the laughter first of all. Richard Le Gallienne [1866- “NEVER GIVE ALL THE HEART” Never give all the heart, for loveWill hardly seem worth thinking ofTo passionate women, if it seemCertain, and they never dreamThat it fades out from kiss to kiss; For everything that’s lovely isBut a brief, dreamy, kind delight.O never give the heart outrightFor they, for all smooth lips can say, Have given their hearts up to the play,And who can play it well enoughIf deaf and dumb and blind with love? He that made this knows all the cost,For he gave all his heart and lost. William Butler Yeats [1865- SONG I came to the door of the House of Love And knocked as the starry night went by; And my true love cried “Who knocks?” and I said “It is I.” And Love looked down from a lattice above Where the roses were dry as the lips of the dead: “There is not room in the House of LoveFor you both,” he said. I plucked a leaf from the porch and crept Away through a desert of scoffs and scorns To a lonely place where I prayed and wept And wove me a crown of thorns. I came once more to the House of Love And knocked, ah, softly and wistfully,And my true love cried “Who knocks?” and I said “None now but thee.” And the great doors opened wide apart And a voice rang out from a glory of light, “Make room, make room for a faithful heart In the House of Love, to-night.” Alfred Noyes [1880- “CHILD, CHILD” Child, child, love while you canThe voice and the eyes and the soul of a man, Never fear though it break your heart –Out of the wound new joy will start; Only love proudly and gladly and wellThough love be heaven or love be hell. Child, child, love while you may,For life is short as a happy day;Never fear the thing you feel –Only by love is life made real;Love, for the deadly sins are seven, Only through love will you enter heaven. Sara Teasdale [1884-1933] WISDOM The young girl questions: “Whether were it better To lie for ever, a warm slug-a-bed,Or to rise up and bide by Fate and Chance, The rawness of the morning,The gibing and the scorningOf the stern Teacher of my ignorance?” “I know not,” Wisdom said. The young girl questions: “Friend, shall I die calmer, If I’ve lain for ever, sheets above the head, Warm in a dream, or rise to take the worst Of peril in the highwaysOf straying in the by-ways,Of hunger for the truth, of drought and thirst?” “We do not know,” he said,“Nor may till we be dead.” Ford Madox Ford [1873- EPILOGUEFrom “Emblems Of Love” What shall we do for Love these days? How shall we make an altar-blazeTo smite the horny eyes of menWith the renown of our Heaven,And to the unbelievers proveOur service to our dear god, Love?What torches shall we lift aboveThe crowd that pushes through the mire, To amaze the dark heads with strange fire? I should think I were much to blame,If never I held some fragrant flame Above the noises of the world,And openly ‘mid men’s hurrying stares, Worshipped before the sacred fearsThat are like flashing curtains furled Across the presence of our lord Love.Nay, would that I could fill the gaze Of the whole earth with some great praise Made in a marvel for men’s eyes,Some tower of glittering masonries, Therein such a spirit flourishingMen should see what my heart can sing: All that Love hath done to meBuilt into stone, a visible glee;Marble carried to gleaming heightAs moved aloft by inward delight;Not as with toil of chisels hewn,But seeming poised in a mighty tune. For of all those who have been knownTo lodge with our kind host, the sun, I envy one for just one thing:In Cordova of the MoorsThere dwelt a passion-minded King,Who set great bands of marble-hewers To fashion his heart’s thanksgivingIn a tall palace, shapen soAll the wondering world might knowThe joy he had of his Moorish lass. His love, that brighter and larger wasThan the starry places, into firm stone He sent, as if the stone were glassFired and into beauty blown.Solemn and invented gravelyIn its bulk the fabric stood,Even as Love, that trusteth bravely In its own exceeding goodTo be better than the wasteOf time’s devices; grandly spaced,Seriously the fabric stood.But over it all a pleasure wentOf carven delicate ornament,Wreathing up like ravishment,Mentioning in sculptures twinedThe blitheness Love hath in his mind; And like delighted senses wereThe windows, and the columns thereMade the following sight to acheAs the heart that did them make.Well I can see that shining songFlowering there, the upward throngOf porches, pillars and windowed walls, Spires like piercing panpipe calls,Up to the roof’s snow-cloud flight; All glancing in the Spanish lightWhite as water of arctic tides,Save an amber dazzle on sunny sides. You had said, the radiant sheenOf that palace might have beenA young god’s fantasy, ere he cameHis serious worlds and suns to frame; Such an immortal passionQuivered among the slim hewn stone. And in the nights it seemed a jarCut in the substance of a star,Wherein a wine, that will be poured Some time for feasting Heaven, was stored. But within this fretted shell,The wonder of Love made visible,The King a private gentle moodThere placed, of pleasant quietude. For right amidst there was a court,Where always musked silencesListened to water and to trees;And herbage of all fragrant sort, – Lavender, lad’s-love, rosemary,Basil, tansy, centaury, –Was the grass of that orchard, hidLove’s amazements all amid.Jarring the air with rumor cool,Small fountains played into a poolWith sound as soft as the barley’s hiss When its beard just sprouting is;Whence a young stream, that trod on moss, Prettily rimpled the court across.And in the pool’s clear idleness,Moving like dreams through happiness, Shoals of small bright fishes were;In and out weed-thickets bentPerch and carp, and sauntering went With mounching jaws and eyes a-stare;Or on a lotus leaf would crawlA brindled loach to bask and sprawl, Tasting the warm sun ere it dippedInto the water; but quick as fearBack his shining brown head slipped To crouch on the gravel of his lair,Where the cooled sunbeams, broke in wrack, Spilt shattered gold about his back.So within that green-veiled air,Within that white-walled quiet, where Innocent water thought aloud, –Childish prattle that must makeThe wise sunlight with laughter shake On the leafage overbowed, –Often the King and his love-lassLet the delicious hours pass.All the outer world could seeGraved and sawn amazinglyTheir love’s delighted riotise,Fixed in marble for all men’s eyes; But only these twain could abideIn the cool peace that withinsideThrilling desire and passion dwelt; They only knew the still meaning speltBy Love’s flaming script, which isGod’s word written in ecstasies.And where is now that palace gone,All the magical skilled stone,All the dreaming towers wroughtBy Love as if no more than thoughtThe unresisting marble was?How could such a wonder pass?Ah, it was but built in vainAgainst the stupid horns of Rome,That pushed down into the common loam The loveliness that shone in Spain.But we have raised it up again!A loftier palace, fairer far,Is ours, and one that fears no war. Safe in marvellous walls we are;Wondering sense like builded fires, High amazement of desires,Delight and certainty of love,Closing around, roofing aboveOur unapproached and perfect hourWithin the splendors of love’s power. Lascelles Abercrombie [1881- ON HAMPSTEAD HEATH Against the green flame of the hawthorn-tree, His scarlet tunic burns;And livelier than the green sap’s mantling glee The Spring fire tingles through him headily As quivering he turnsAnd stammers out the old amazing tale Of youth and April weather;While she, with half-breathed jests that, sobbing, fail, Sits, tight-lipped, quaking, eager-eyed and pale, Beneath her purple feather. Wilfrid Wilson Gibson [1878- ONCE ON A TIME Once on a time, once on a time,Before the Dawn began,There was a nymph of Dian’s trainWho was beloved of Pan;Once on a time a peasant ladWho loved a lass at home;Once on a time a Saxon kingWho loved a queen of Rome. The world has but one song to sing,And it is ever new,The first and last of all the songs For it is ever true –A little song, a tender song,The only song it hath;“There was a youth of AscalonWho loved a girl of Gath.” A thousand thousand years have gone,And aeons still shall pass,Yet shall the world forever singOf him who loved a lass –An olden song, a golden song,And sing it unafraid:“There was a youth, once on a time, Who dearly loved a maid.” Kendall Banning [1879- IN PRAISE OF HER FIRST SONGFrom “Astrophel and Stella” Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth, Which now my breast, o’ercharged, to music lendeth? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only in you my song begins and endeth. Who hath the eyes which marry state with pleasure? Who keeps the key of Nature’s chiefest treasure? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only for you the heaven forgat all measure. Who hath the lips where wit in fairness reigneth? Who womankind at once both decks and staineth? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only by you Cupid his crown maintaineth. Who hath the feet, whose step all sweetness planteth? Who else, for whom Fame worthy trumpets wanteth? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only to you her sceptre Venus granteth. Who hath the breast, whose milk doth passions nourish? Whose grace is such, that when it chides doth cherish? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only through you the tree of life doth flourish. Who hath the hand, which without stroke subdueth? Who long-dead beauty with increase reneweth? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only at you all envy hopeless rueth. Who hath the hair, which loosest fastest tieth? Who makes a man live then glad when he dieth? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only of you the flatterer never lieth. Who hath the voice, which soul from senses sunders? Whose force but yours the bolts of beauty thunders? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only with you not miracles are wonders. Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth, Which now my breast, o’ercharged, to music lendeth? To you! to you! all song of praise is due; Only in you my song begins and endeth. Philip Sidney [1554-1586] SILVIAFrom “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” Who is Silvia? What is she?That all our swains commend her?Holy, fair, and wise is she;The heaven such grace did lend her, That she might admired be. Is she kind as she is fair?For beauty lives with kindness:Love doth to her eyes repair,To help him of his blindness;And, being helped, inhabits there. Then to Silvia let us sing,That Silvia is excelling;She excels each mortal thingUpon the dull earth dwelling:To her let us garlands bring. William Shakespeare [1564-1616] CUPID AND CAMPASPEFrom “Alexander and Campaspe” Cupid and my Campaspe playedAt cards for kisses; Cupid paid:He stakes his quiver, bow, and arrows, His mother’s doves, and team of sparrows; Loses them too; then down he throwsThe coral of his lip, the roseGrowing on’s cheek (but none knows how); With these, the crystal of his brow,And then the dimple on his chin;All these did my Campaspe win:And last he set her both his eyes – She won, and Cupid blind did rise.O Love! has she done this to thee?What shall, alas! become of me? John Lyly [1554?-1606] APOLLO’S SONGFrom “Midas” My Daphne’s hair is twisted gold,Bright stars apiece her eyes do hold, My Daphne’s brow enthrones the Graces,My Daphne’s beauty stains all faces, On Daphne’s cheek grow rose and cherry,On Daphne’s lip a sweeter berry,Daphne’s snowy hand but touched does melt, And then no heavenlier warmth is felt,My Daphne’s voice tunes all the spheres, My Daphne’s music charms all ears.Fond am I thus to sing her praise;These glories now are turned to bays. John Lyly [1554?-1606] “FAIR IS MY LOVE FOR APRIL’S IN HER FACE” From “Perimedes”